Tuition for Programs #1, and #2 is $1,795 each
All laboratory fees, tools, equipment and written materials are included in the tuition. A non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 for each program is required at the time of registration to reserve a seat in each program. The registration fee is applied to the total tuition. The balance is due and payable on the first day of class.

Should a student be terminated or canceled for any reason, all refunds will be made according to the following refund schedule:
- Cancellation must be made in writing.
- All monies will be refunded if the applicant is not accepted by the Institute or if the student cancels within three (3) business days after signing the Enrollment Agreement and making an initial deposit.
- Cancellation after the third (3rd) business day, but before the first class will result in a refund of all monies paid with the exception of the registration fee.
- Cancellation or withdrawal after attendance has begun, but prior to 40% completion of the course, will result in a Pro Rata refund of tuition based on the number of Clock Hours completed of the total published program Clock Hours required.
- Cancellation after completing 40% of the course will result in no refund.
- The termination date for refund computation purposes is the last
date of actual attendance by the student unless earlier written
notice is received.
Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination or receipt of cancellation notice. - An applicant who signs up, does not start school, and fails to cancel within three (3) business days will receive a refund less the registration fee.

ADMISSIONS Admission is open to any qualified applicant. No qualified person may be excluded from enrollment in Stewart's International School for Jewelers, Inc based on age, race, gender, disability, or national origin.
Applicants must meet the following requirements
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Earned a high school diploma, ED.
- Have a personal or phone interview.
- To enroll in Program #2 students must have experience in the field or complete Program #1.
All courses are offered only in English.
Transfer of Credit
These are short and intense programs. Therefore no credit may be
granted for previous education or training.Students may wish to
continue their education at another institution after graduation.
Transferability of credit earned at the school is at the discretion of
the receiving institution.

A personal or phone interview which each applicant is required prior to acceptance into any program. The personal interview gives the institution an opportunity to evaluate the applicant and determine eligibility.
Acceptance by the Institution
The applicant will be informed of the Admissions decision at the end of
the interview. Acceptance will be based upon successful submission and
review of required documents, and having completed and met all
admission requirements.
Institution Resource Center
The programs do not require any resource materials to complete
programs. There are publications relevant to the jewelry business
available to students.
Student Records and Transcripts Student records re retained perpetually at the institution site in Jupiter, Florida. Records of academics progress are furnished to the student. One transcript is provided to students upon graduation and fulfillment of tuition obligations. Additional transcripts are available to students upon written request and for a fee of $15.00. Student records will be provided to potential employers only after a written request has been made by the individual student. Student records are maintained in a fireproof cabinet. Computer records are backed up weekly and stored off campus.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Stewart's International School for Jewelers, Inc. complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of the 1974 Buckley Amendment, Public Law 93-380, Section 438. All students' records are confidential.
Academic Advisement
Our goal is to assist students to reach their goals. We are available
by appointment or informally to meet with students to discuss any
obstacle that may be in the way of success. Students may be referred to
professional counseling.
Financial Aid Advisement
The school does not offer Financial Aid. Students must make payment in
full by the start date.
Personal Advisement/Counseling
Instructors and staff are warm and caring and will assist students who seem to be having academic difficulty or personal issues preventing them from success. The faculty and staff are available by appointment or informally to meet with students to discuss and obstacle that may be in the way of success. If required, students may be referred to professional services in the community.
Placement Services
Job Placement Services or Assistance shall be provided to all graduates
without additional charge. The institution maintains a book of job
openings that is available to students, graduates, and alumni.
Stewart's International School for Jewelers, Inc. will assist with job
placement but cannot guarantee employment. Records of all graduates are
maintained permanently.

On the first day of class for each program students receive a copy of the course syllabi and course outlines. The student catalog is available one week prior to classes beginning. Students receive a catalog at the time of enrollment.
Students are expected to attend every class, arrive on time, and stay
through class. Occasionally situations occur that conflict with
training. The following are guidelines.
Excused and non-excused absences are considered the same when computing
maximum number of allowable absences. Unsatisfactory Attendance is when
a student is absent more than 5% of the total program clock hours. If a
student has Unsatisfactory Attendance, the student is placed is
Probation until the following condition are met as follows:
- The student establishes satisfactory progress or, meets the conditions of probation.
- The student has corrected the problems that caused unsatisfactory attendance.
- The student has satisfactorily completed work missed because of absence either by repeating the session(s) missed or performing required work outlined by the instructor.
A student is terminated for Unsatisfactory Attendance if the student does not meet these conditions within 5 days.
Students are expected to be punctual. Lateness of leaving class up to
one-half hour early is counted as one-fourth of a day absence. Leaving
one-half to two hours early is equal to one half day absence. Over two
hours early departure equals on full day absence. These absences are
included in the 5% absence calculation. All class time missed in excess
of 5% must be made by the student in order to graduate.
Make-up Work
Make-up work is required for any absence. Tests that are not taken as a
result of an absence must be made up within a time frame determined by
the instructor. A reduction in grade may be made at the discretion of
the instructor. There is no charge for make-up work.
Leaves of Absence/Withdrawal
A student who is tardy two or more days in one week will be put on
probation. If tardy for a third day this will result in termination. A
student must meet grading standards. If after two projects the
performance evaluation indicates unsuitability for learning the skills,
the student will be terminated. Probation occurs after unsuccessful
completion of one project.
A student who has canceled of has been terminated and wants to reenter their training program must notify the Institution Director and follow the required admission procedures. A student who was terminated for any reason can meet with the Institution Director and show why he/she should be re-admitted and how the student will meet program requirements. The decision of the Institution Director will be made based on the student meeting program requirements. The time frame for re-entry must be 60 days from the date of withdrawal or termination.
Upon satisfactory completion of all academic requirements and tuition
obligation, the student is awarded a Diploma and transcript. Additional
transcripts are available upon request for $15.00 each.
Student progress is determined by satisfactorily completing daily
projects. A student whose performance evaluation indicates
unsuitability for learning the skills needed will be advised to
terminate the training program.
Projects are graded on a pass/fail basis.
Students have to opportunities to satisfactorily complete a project. This includes the first time it is assigned and then an attempt to re-try.
Students will be terminated if, after having being put on Academic or
Attendance probation, they fail to meet Attendance or project
completion requirements by the end of each session.
Changes made by the Institution
If the Institution cancels of changes a program of study is such a way
that the student who has started is unable to complete
training,arrangements will be made in a timely manner to accommodate
the needs of each student enrolled in the program who is affected by
the cancellation or change. If the Institution is unable to make
alternative arrangements that are satisfactory to both parties, the
Institution will refund all money paid by the student of the program
that amount from the total amount paid.

Unprofessional conduct which discredits the individual or Stewart's International School for Jewelers, Inc.will be subject to termination. Students must conduct themselves so they do not interfere with other students or the instructor. The administration of Stewart's reserves the right to terminate a student on any of the following grounds:
- Non-compliance with Stewart's rules and regulations.
- Conduct that reflects unfavorably upon Stewart's or its students.
- Disruptive behavior to faculty members, students, or class mates.
- Unsatisfactory academic progress.
- Excessive absences or tardiness.
- Failure to pay fees when due.
- Cheating.
- Falsifying records.
- Breach of institution enrollment agreement.
- Failure to abide by the rules and regulations of clinical site.
- Poor health.
- Entering the institution while under the influence or effects of alcohol, drugs, or narcotics of any kind.
- Carrying a concealed or potentially dangerous weapon.
- Sexual harassment.
- Harassment of any kind including intimidation and discrimination.
A student dismissed for unsatisfactory progress may be re-admitted into the program only at the discretion of the Institution Director.
Drug free institution and workplace
Stewart's International School for Jewelers, Inc. has a zero
tolerance for drugs and alcohol. No student, instructor, or employee
may be on the institution premises or affiliate clinic under the
influence of any substance. As a drug free and alcohol free environment
individuals under the influence may be subject to immediate dismissal
and/or removal. Students may request counseling for substance abuse and
will be referred to community resources.
No Smoking Institution
Smoking will not be tolerated within 50 yards of the institution.
Sexual Harassment and anti hazing policy
The administration of Stewart's International School for Jewelers,
Inc.take the issue of sexual harassment very seriously. Sexual
harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances or offensive comments,
gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature between and/or among
students and staff. Sexual harassment or harassment because of age,
race, color, religion, national origin or disability will not be
tolerated. This includes any kind on intimidation or discrimination.
Investigation of such concerns will be undertake promptly and handled
confidentially. Behavior that denigrates the integrity of another
student (hazing) will not be tolerated. If a student or employee feels
that he or she has suffered a form of discrimination or harassment, the
individual should immediately contact a supervisor or institution
director. Students or staff involved may be subject to termination.
Unresolved Disputes/Grievance Policy
Grievance procedures are provided for students who believe that they
have been unlawfully discriminated against, unfairly treated, or
harassed in any way. Academic grievances relate to a complaint about a
course, program of study, or grade.
Students are expected to address any disagreements or conflict
directly with the individual involved in person with a written document
outlining the complaint and communication. After this, if there is no
satisfactory resolution, the student may set and appointment by phone
to see the institution director. Ass communications regarding the
complaint must be in writing and all meetings and communications will
be documented in the student file. Every attempt at a satisfactory
resolution will be made.
The grievance policy is as follows:
- Complaints against students or college employees shall first be directed to the individual. Complaints must be made within 7 days of the complaint.
- If the complaint cannot be resolved informally then students shall write up the problem and submit to the school director who will research the problem and respond with a resolution within 10 working days.
- If there has been no satisfactory resolution then the student may take the problem to the president of the school.
- All communications must be in writing and on file.
- If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution's policy and procedures, the student may contact:
Commission for Independent Education
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, Florida 31399-0400
888-224-6684 toll free
Faculty and staff are encouraged to adress any disagreements or conflict directly with the individual involved. After this, if there is no satisfactory resolution, the individual may set an appointment by phone to see the institution director and then the corporate officers. This must be document in writing via mail, fax, or email. All communications regarding the complaint must be in writing and all meetings and communications will be documented in the employee file. Every attempt at a satisfactory resolution will be made.